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Live Webinar: Customer interviews

Laying the foundations for successful innovation.

Understanding customers correctly. How you can gain new insights from surveys, feedback and customer interviews and create the next generation of products to meet customer needs.

Externally, customer wishes and customer contact are always a top priority. Customers are the focus of marketing and sales activities, as they guarantee cash flow. But who asks them what might be missing or should be different? And how do you get really relevant statements from the customer?

Sales is driven by short-term sales targets, rejection is expensive, you don’t take any risks. So the really tricky issues are left out, the effort is spared. But if the sales department doesn’t ask the crucial questions, who will?

We will show you who in your company should conduct customer interviews and how your employees should proceed in order to gain real insights.

Learn more about customer interviews in a B2B context in just 20 minutes. You are welcome to take part in a small discussion round afterwards.


8.30 a.m.Start
7 minWhy customer interviews are better market research
Market research delivers accurate and expensive or cheaper results, but the googled study results cannot be transferred to your own company. How customer interviews can help here.
7 minWho should conduct customer interviews?
Can’t the sales department do the same? They have the most customer contact anyway. But how do these findings reach the developers?
7 minDos & don’ts in customer interviews for real insights
If you ask your own customers the right questions, you will also find out what is still missing in the market and where the gap is. But there are rules for the questionnaire, the setup and the implementation of the survey that you should know!
9 minDiscussion
Ask your questions on the topic of customer surveys here – answers will be provided in the joint discussion round following the live webinar.

Insight into the webinar:

One mistake that many start-ups and even some companies still make is to shy away from actually asking their own customers what they think of the products. To find out whether they are too expensive or which features are missing for which they would be prepared to pay an extra euro.

Customer interviews as a tool offer incredible discovery potential, especially for the R&D department and the developers in the quiet room. What if the next innovation came from a targeted survey of customers?

Event Details

Dienstag, 16.04.2024
08:30 - 09:00 Uhr

Location: Online
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