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Business Model Canvas

Understanding and further developing business models is becoming increasingly important. The Business Model Canvas is a standard tool and basis for business model innovation. Use the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas and other appendices to make innovations entrepreneurially successful.

Some references in the area of Business Model Canvas

Overview of our services for: Business Model Canvas

Innovation and a unique position determine the future of your company? Do you want to achieve great things and don’t know where to start?

Contacts are worth their weight in gold. Especially for innovation. Stop torturing yourself with frustrating cold calling and exhaustive B2B networking.

1000 ideas – no innovation? When everyone is lost in the day-to-day business and the unique position in the market fails to materialize.

A profitable innovation is needed. Fast. And the shot has to be right! This miracle only lasts a few months.

“Innovation? Show me the business case first!” Get business case & argumentation for your future success.

Work through an innovation project in 4 days, from the first idea of innovation to the decision-ready pitch: Your key to innovation success.

Relevant webinars on this topicBusiness Model Canvas

17Sep(Sep 17)9:0020(Sep 20)15:00Master Class: Product innovationApplying success strategies for the products of the future: Innovation without problem pressure. Think your product 10 years into the future. Here you can find out how it should be.

05Nov(Nov 5)9:0008(Nov 8)15:00Master Class: Technology innovationCreating uncompromising solutions, world firsts and patents: Patent-ready ideas, complex problem solving and ingeniously simple development of the next generation of technology.

21Jan(Jan 21)9:0024(Jan 24)15:00Master Class: Service and Process InnovationDesigning ingeniously simple and flawless processes: Complex interactions between customers and employees. New ways to master complexity without errors.

25Mär(Mär 25)9:0028(Mär 28)15:00Master Class: Business Model InnovationCombining enthusiastic customers and sustainable earnings: Added value for the customer while earning money sustainably. New business models with high relevance to the core business.

Specialist articles on the topic Business Model Canvas

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