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Master Class: Technology innovation

Creating uncompromising solutions, world firsts and patents

After 4 days you can:

  1. Solving complex problems in a structured way
  2. Finding innovative, patent-ready solutions
  3. Present pitch-ready prototypes convincingly

Are you an engineer, developer or manager? Is brainstorming no longer getting you anywhere?

Then the “Structured Innovation” training series is perfect for you. Away from the outdated view of “the more ideas the better”, you will receive a clear orientation on how innovation can be brought to success in a targeted manner. In just 4 days, you will gain valuable insights, gain practical experience and get to know innovation managers from other companies and industries. The most important building blocks for successful innovation are brought to life in a compact workshop. Practicable hands-on solutions!

Technology innovation

Structured innovation means following a clear, repeatable path from the will to innovate to market success. Technology innovation looks at how developments can be technically realized and challenges overcome. Patented, ingeniously simple solutions are typical results. This goes hand in hand with a reduction in complexity and costs. Enthusiastic customers and technological leadership enable long-term competitive advantages.

What is taught?

The content provides a clear, applicable guide from the first to the last moment of innovation. Different elements from Design Thinking, TRIZ, Powerful Thinking, ODI, Six Sigma and many other methodologies are combined to create an overall picture. You don’t learn what you could do – you learn what you should do and when. The Master Class enables you to explain, develop, evaluate and implement technical solutions step by step.

Who should attend this training?

Development managers, product developers, innovation managers, decision-makers, founders, project managers and product managers. Anyone for whom technical challenges determine everyday life or for whom outstanding technical solutions mean greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage.

This event from the “Structured Innovation” training series is based on the innovation roadmap for successful technology innovation (blue).

Flyer Master Class: Technology Innovation

Master Class Details

Tue 2024/11/05 – Fri 2024/11/08
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Fri. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)

Location: Berlin City
Your contact for further information

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