Innovation consulting TOM SPIKE - Consulting approach

TOM SPIKE helps B2B, industrial and technology companies to achieve a unique position in the market - by creating innovations for existing customers and new markets.

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TOM SPIKE Innovation Consulting - A structured approach to market success

Consulting focus

Whereby TOM SPIKE accompanies you

Companies usually have their day-to-day business well under control. We don’t want to get involved here. It is much more difficult for companies to do something completely new. New products, services and business models. Often in new markets and with new technologies. TOM SPIKE supports your industrial, technology or B2B company. Because innovation is our daily business!

Innovation in a nutshell

What innovation means to us

As innovation consultants, we know that “innovation means
market success – everything else is just a ball pit”.
Creative, fun and agile
is not enough. Real innovation must pay off. And to achieve this, it must be able to assert itself
within the organization and be profitable on the market.
market success is what counts.
That’s why we work with our customers
to answer their most frequently asked question: “How will we earn money in 5, 10 or 20
years’ time?”

Consulting goal

What we can achieve together

We develop innovation potential and new business areas in a collaborative and participative manner and develop the portfolio (products, technologies, services) for your future business. With company managers and executives as well as at project team and working level. A systemic approach with expertise from within the organization and experienced external support in sparring. For the next innovation on the market and a lasting increase in your company’s ability to innovate.

  1. Identifying potential for innovation and new business areas
  2. Develop innovation projects, product portfolio (products, technologies, services) and future business
  3. Increase long-term innovative capacity.

TOM SPIKE vision "Anyone can innovate" - we are convinced of this!

At TOM SPIKE we are convinced of our vision “Anyone can innovate”. Every industry and every company. Because successful innovation is not voodoo or magic and does not require eccentric individual geniuses. Innovation is a craft. With serious interest, the right tools and a little support, any organization can be innovative.

Give your organization a new unique position in the market!

Are you responsible for innovation in your organization and want to achieve more for innovation and future business than was previously possible?
We help you to achieve this goal.

Values of the innovation consultancy TOM SPIKE

Are we a match?


Further development, progress and the will to make the impossible possible. Because “best practice” is simply not enough for innovation and a unique position on the market.


Priorities, concentration and determination. Compact workshop formats and bundling of efforts instead of a scattergun approach. Less is more!


Responsibility, initiative and results orientation without blinkers. With professionalism, fun and creativity to economic success.


Partnership-based cooperation internally, externally, cross-functionally and in the innovation ecosystem. Lone wolf ideas and innovations are dying out.


Overcoming and strength to take calculated risks outside the comfort zone. Meeting new target groups with new solutions with self-confidence and an open mind.


An open-minded view of other industries, companies and solutions. Regular new input and food for thought instead of “cooking in your own juice”.

In terms of values, we are a good match, if you:

  • are more ambitious than the majority of your organization.
  • want to advance your company even more than yourself.
  • trust the organization to take more risks outside its comfort zone.
  • are looking for orientation in the flood of ideas or possibilities.
  • are open to genuine cooperation with external partners.
  • focus on new, unconventional perspectives to drive your company forward.

Consulting process

How consulting projects work

During project acquisition, we understand the consulting client’s key challenges and objectives. 90% of customer needs can be covered with a combination of standard products. These standard products are tried and tested, robust and lead to repeatable success! We complete the rest individually to create a coherent consulting concept.

Starting signal

After the joint conception, the consulting project begins with brief interviews with the most important stakeholders once the contract has been signed. Mostly managers and other multipliers in the organization. At the same time, we clarify the assignment together and record the project objective in writing.

Project conduct

Once the objectives and project boundaries have been defined, the first work and project meetings begin. Typically in workshop formats of two to three days each. Between the face-to-face workshops, both the project teams and TOM SPIKE work independently. Interim online coaching is provided as required. Regular coordination with the client ensures the success of the project and enables any necessary adjustments to be made.


The consulting project concludes with concrete, further recommendations for action and follow-up appointments to ensure the successful further development of the innovation project. TOM SPIKE provides support until the organization is in a position to continue its innovation activities itself.

Innovation consulting in the BIG PICTURE

Organizations have three important questions about new business, new products and innovation:

  1. What are the potentials for business and innovation of tomorrow?
  2. How do we leverage the selected potential?
  3. How do we make this success repeatable and part of the company’s DNA?

And the answers should be given in exactly the same order.


Finding innovation potential.

Together we find opportunities for innovation in the market. Suitable for your company. With validated sales opportunities.

Real market demand and genuine customer needs are the best motivators for bringing novelty and innovation into the company. Where customer pain in the market and the will of the organization to solve this pain meet, progress and added value thrive for everyone involved.


Running a pilot project

First innovations in a participative way with your company. Prototype, business case and implementation included.

A new approach is always an experiment. Also the approach of creating structured innovations. The pilot project creates rapid innovation successes. Measurable, in demand, targeted and suitable for the organization. At the same time, the organization learns which tools prove their worth, what is not necessary and which bottlenecks need to be eliminated for future innovation success.


Developing the organization

A successful approach needs to be repeated. Other areas of the company follow suit. A culture of innovation develops.

Even though training, skills development and business processes are important, this is rarely the first step. Without a concrete use case, content will not fall on fertile ground. Little motivation to absorb knowledge, no application, quickly forgotten. It is better to institutionalize successfully tested procedures than theoretical considerations and seminar content.

Give your organization a new unique position in the market!

Are you responsible for innovation in your organization and want to achieve more for innovation and future business than was previously possible?
We help you to achieve this goal.

TOM SPIKE supports you with the following services

Innovation project

3-6 months to a concept ready for decision

Training, coaching & consulting

Expertise, knowledge and answers to your questions


Fast, joint results in just a few days

Support service

Everything you don't have time for

Key factors in TOM SPIKE's consulting services

Many years of industry and management experience in the context of innovation and uncertainty

Leadership and orientation also for long-established employees and experts from development, sales and product management, and the ability to "change your thinking"

Established standard advisory products with flexibility for customization

Guaranteed success and a clear structure in the uncertain field of innovation.

Broad knowledge of B2B, industrial and technology companies. Exclusive consulting focus on innovation and your business of tomorrow.

The best sound support for innovation. Transferable experience from many industries. No superficialities, generalities or restrictive industry perspectives.

Methodically sound and comprehensible way of working

The best ideas, innovations and results with conclusive arguments and comprehensible decisions for internal marketing and external success.

rapid understanding of innovation and market potential, even in very complex scientific and technical systems.

Credibility among experts and managers for cooperation at eye level. Professionally, economically and organizationally.

Extensive network of future-oriented industrial companies and thought leaders

Quickly establish contact with new target groups for exploration, cooperation and sales opportunities

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about TOM SPIKE innovation consulting

TOM SPIKE helps with three things:

  • Recognizing innovation potential and making strategic decisions
  • Creation of innovations through to concept and market success
  • Developing the organization and skills for repeatable innovation

TOM SPIKE provides support through standardized products with individual adaptations. These include:

  • Innovation projects over three to six months.
  • Innovation workshops over several days
  • Training, coaching & consulting; scope as required
  • Support service for all innovation topics for which you do not have time.

Find the right service for your destination or see an overview of all services.

We always use the tool that suits your need, without pursuing a single ideology. These include methodologies such as:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Inventive problem solving TRIZ
  • Design Thinking
  • Design for Six Sigma, process design and QFD
  • Lean Startup
  • Business model innovation
  • Primary Market Research & New Business Development

Find the right format for your chosen methodology.

TOM SPIKE has satisfied and returning consulting clients from the following sectors:

  1. B2B, industrial and technology companies
  2. Manufacturing companies and service providers
  3. Public and semi-public organizations & associations
  4. Startups

Find out what experience TOM SPIKE has in your industry.

TOM SPIKE works with and for those responsible for innovation in the company. Either there is already an organization with a Head of Innovation for this, or we collaborate with:

  • Managing Directors
  • Product management
  • Product development and pre-development
  • Business Development

As internal stakeholders and project members, sales, marketing, HR, quality, controlling and production are usually involved, too.

The most important values for TOM SPIKE are:

  • Ambition
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Courage
  • Focus
  • Cooperation
  • Inspiration

Find out what advantages you have with these values.

We decide together at the start of the project which expert will accompany your project. The professional fit is just as relevant as credibility and the human component.

In technical terms, we understand developing companies, manufacturing companies and service providers. From previous lives, TOM SPIKE innovation consultants bring experience from their own company start-ups, from product development and organizational development as well as from internal and external management consulting. Complemented by important skills and experience in idea, process and innovation development. All in all, the TOM SPIKE team is your architect and companion for innovation success in your company.

In human terms, we at TOM SPIKE are experienced, professional and unconventional. A rather rare combination

Sub-projects in the innovation process usually take three to six months. An overall project usually lasts between 12 and 18 months. Individual services such as coaching or training sessions last from one day to a few weeks.

The main goal of TOM SPIKE is to help our customers to innovate successfully. In the real project. Training and coaching can be part of this and our innovation consultants also have the relevant qualifications and experience. Nevertheless, we see ourselves primarily as companions, supporters and consultants and only secondarily as trainers and coaches.

Management consulting and innovation are sensitive topics. As a result, we are rarely able to name our clients publicly, and even more rarely their specific projects. Here you will find a selection of success stories, references and case studies.

The serious answer, of course, can only be: It depends.

On the basis of the concept created for you free of charge, we estimate the time schedule and costs. In this way, we calculate a fixed offer price that exceeds your added value many times over. For this fixed price, we undertake to achieve the desired result. No hidden costs, no accumulation of consulting hours, no surprises. In exceptional cases, we work on a daily rate basis.