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Innovations shape the industry’s supply chains The development of supply chains often begins with the creation of new technologies or products by a single party. As demand increases, the network...

The challenge: changing markets, supply chains and technologies How will your company earn money in 5 to 10 years? Many industrial companies are asking themselves this question in a rapidly...

What ist TRIZ? A brief Introduction Many companies are faced with the challenge of developing new technical solutions. They need innovative products with outstanding functions and novel, high-performance processes. But...

Innovation is more than just a good idea “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways in which it doesn’t work.” This quote is attributed to Thomas Alva Edison. A...

In recent years, the discussion about environmentally harmful chemicals has become increasingly important. One of these groups of chemicals is per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). They are in focus...

When was the last time you saw a really new product? The first smartphone? Quite a while ago. The Segway? Very nice, but unfortunately a market failure. Series production was...

Innovation arises from business decisions and is not a coincidence. It is not random trends or sudden ideas that lead to market success, but a well thought-out innovation strategy that...

Innovation in the company needs a business case Innovation should pay off. This is ensured by the business case. More precisely, the “Innovation Business Case“. If it is not foreseeable...

Innovation is a buzzword AND an important success factor for companies today. This is because companies are increasingly looking for ways to promote their innovation culture and develop groundbreaking ideas....

9 Areas for Designing a Successful Innovation System Sporadic, individual initiatives …, good ideas that just don’t fit the company’s strategy …, ideas that get mired and then forgotten …,...

Ideas are of course a necessary part of successful innovation. Even if having ideas is not sufficient for innovation. It is mostly just a minor fraction of the overall innovation...

A good team creates innovation success. Whether industrial company or start-up. But industrial companies can also learn something from the start-up world. Successful startup investors invest secondarily in good ideas....

When good advice is darely needed and ideas are rare, an ideation workshop can help. Ideation is a synonym for idea development or idea creation. It doesn’t always have to...

How a Patent Booster Workshop works R&D people are familiar with this situation: Sitting alone before the laptop, doing regular patent researches, generating ideas with the hope to develop a...

Introduction iEER is an Interreg Europe funded flagship project that has been revived for 2022, bringing together 8 regions. Originally initiated in 2016 by a group of regions awarded with...

Innovation means developing something new. But not just anything. Something which is successful in the target group. For companies, this usually means designing new products, services and business models. When...

Ideas are not everything. But without ideas it is also difficult. That’s why many people ask themselves: How does idea generation work? How do you create good ideas? They should...

There are many misconceptions in companies about innovation management. No wonder: innovation is hype, buzzword and hope for the future at the same time. The label “being innovative” has an...

Do Startups need consulting? One might think it’s unnecessary. Established companies regard startups with some envy. Innovative, creative, great publicity, and plenty of eager investors. On the other hand, there...

New products and services pursue the goal of exciting as many customers as possible and convincing them with real added value. That is why it is important for businesses to...

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17Sep(Sep 17)9:0020(Sep 20)15:00Master Class: Product innovationApplying success strategies for the products of the future: Innovation without problem pressure. Think your product 10 years into the future. Here you can find out how it should be.

05Nov(Nov 5)9:0008(Nov 8)15:00Master Class: Technology innovationCreating uncompromising solutions, world firsts and patents: Patent-ready ideas, complex problem solving and ingeniously simple development of the next generation of technology.

21Jan(Jan 21)9:0024(Jan 24)15:00Master Class: Service and Process InnovationDesigning ingeniously simple and flawless processes: Complex interactions between customers and employees. New ways to master complexity without errors.

25Mär(Mär 25)9:0028(Mär 28)15:00Master Class: Business Model InnovationCombining enthusiastic customers and sustainable earnings: Added value for the customer while earning money sustainably. New business models with high relevance to the core business.

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