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My experience as an industrial engineer and project manager includes numerous successfully completed research, consulting and start-up projects. Based on my 15 years of practice in the process engineering, aviation, automotive, rail transportation, software development and management consulting industries, I have trained more than 1,000 managers, developers and company founders. My focus areas are product development, business process innovation, strategy development and implementation.

Methodological expertise

  • Design Thinking
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Lean Startup for Industry
  • Primary market research
  • Structured innovation
  • TRIZ
  • Design for Six Sigma
  • Business Model Canvas

Industry expertise

  • Automotive & Mobility
  • Mechanical engineering & Plant engineering
  • Plastics & Chemistry
  • Electrics & Electronics
  • Packaging industry
  • Software
  • Associations & Clubs
  • Start-ups & Universities

Focus as an innovation consultant

  • Innovative Gestaltung komplexer Abläufe (Prozess-Design & Collaboration)
  • Innovationsmethoden QFD, Design Thinking, TRIZ, Lean Startup
  • Veränderungsmanagement
  • Führung, Organisation und Strategie (BMM, OKR, Vision, Mission, KPI)
  • Projektmanagement (klassisch und agil)
  • Innovationsprozess und Innovationssystem (Innovationsfähigkeit)
  • Führungskräfte-Moderation


  • 15 years of industry experience
  • 10 years of internal and external consulting
  • 5 years of change projects
  • 4 successful business start-ups
  • Lectures at international conferences
  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
  • Certified Project Manager (PMI | PMP)

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