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Culture is what people do when no one is looking Culture is often seen as a very complicated topic. And innovation culture even more so. We also have Peter Drucker...

There are certainly more than 7 reasons why an innovation process may be incapable of doing what it is supposed to do. But if you don’t make these 7 mistakes,...

So you want to set up a professional innovation management … Many companies have established an innovation management in recent years. That doesn’t mean everyone needs it. But many organizations...

The innovation process brings repeatable innovation success to the company What does the perfect innovation process look like for your company? The perfect innovation process does exactly what you want...

And how to discover and promote intrapreneurs How many creative ideas are already in your company without you knowing about them? How much further could you develop your company if...

Innovation arises from business decisions and is not a coincidence. It is not random trends or sudden ideas that lead to market success, but a well thought-out innovation strategy that...

The strategic decision as to who can play a part in innovation Innovation means developing something new and being successful with it in the target group. For companies, this usually...

Innovation is a buzzword AND an important success factor for companies today. This is because companies are increasingly looking for ways to promote their innovation culture and develop groundbreaking ideas....

9 Areas for Designing a Successful Innovation System Sporadic, individual initiatives …, good ideas that just don’t fit the company’s strategy …, ideas that get mired and then forgotten …,...

What color is your Innovation Culture? Disruptive, incremental, radical, evolutionary, revolutionary, technology-oriented, customer oriented, cost-oriented, value-oriented, digitally or analogically. Depending on the perspective, the number of different types of types...

Can’t we just have some brilliant ideas?! Ideas are of course a necessary part of successful innovation. Even if having ideas is not sufficient for innovation. It is mostly just...

Innovation does not sell itself. Not even innovation sells itself. Customers don’t know the new product. They don’t know that they need it. And customers don’t want anything new. They...

Innovation also needs budget approval The larger the company and the innovation project, the greater the chance that a long-term budget will have to be requested. Usually in the budget...

Introduction iEER is an Interreg Europe funded flagship project that has been revived for 2022, bringing together 8 regions. Originally initiated in 2016 by a group of regions awarded with...

The creative power of the third dimension Creative techniques can help to stimulate group work and promote innovative thinking. The “LEGO® Serious Play®” method (LSP for short) works with three-dimensional...

There are many misconceptions in companies about innovation management. No wonder: innovation is hype, buzzword and hope for the future at the same time. The label “being innovative” has an...

How does innovation work? Innovation is on everyone’s lips. Innovation gives you a competitive edge. Innovation is sexy. Who doesn’t want to be “innovative”? But how does it actually work?...

Innovation capability and the ability for continuous renewal are a basic requirement for long-term corporate success. Today we meet Rick. The need for successful innovation is a fact for Rick....

Best TRIZ Conference ever – that is the prevailing feedback after the TRIZ Future 2015 conference in Berlin. See impressions from workshops, scientific sessions and evening events. Many thanks to...

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25Mär(Mär 25)9:0028(Mär 28)15:00Master Class: Business Model InnovationCombining enthusiastic customers and sustainable earnings: Added value for the customer while earning money sustainably. New business models with high relevance to the core business.

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